Hello everybody...soooooo......tooooo many news!!!
first come first.....i'm gunna upload a bit of tattoos in progress....it's only tuesday and i already had loads of fun this week! Especially cause my friend Stefy from Adrenalink Italy was guesting at the shop and i even got tattooed by her....she is just amazing, and now i feel inspired and full of good energies so instead of chilling and resting my hand, tonight i'm writing here! yay!!
NEWS also is the opening on November 12th of "the Idol Hours" exhibition at London Miles Gallery, and I'm very happily going to be part of the selection of 40 internetional artists that will be presenting their work....you are all invited at the opening!!
what else? hmmmmmm.... i'm going to the theatre on friday from the first time here in London and i'm well excited!! ahahha
that's a personal note while i remembered the other news.....here they come....
I will be collaborating with Jay Read realizing a design for his clothing brand JILTED ROYALTY... Jay is an amazingly driven friend, and his apparel is so freaking amazing! proper quality bad ass-ness! Jay is getting tattooed by Matt Difa at the shop and always treating me with the funniest stories everytime....thank you man ;) !!
There's more boiling in my big pan, but untill everything is 100% confirmed i won't say anything else...... i think is more then enough for now!!!!

Ah...check few new links i added.... Jay Read and jilted Roayalty, Stefy and Crez at Adrenalink and London Miles Gallery!!
with love always