gzbodypainting orThe Graffiti wall off Garey Street - Light Painting on Downtown LA
Air Brush Painting on Sexy Woman Artwork
Beautiful Murals Painting
Using Liquid Latex As Body Paint
There are however some minor disadvantages, nothing that should discourage the use of latex, more the need for a little common sense and preparation. Before applying latex to the body it is necessary to patch-test a small area of the skin to check for any allergic reactions. It is quite rare, most people are not allergic to latex, but a small percentage of users have reported skin irritation after coming into contact with this kind of body paint.
On occasions where liquid latex has been applied to the skin over hair it can be both difficult and painful to remove. Wet latex will bond permanently to hair as it does to fabric. The only way to remove latex with hair stuck to it is to pull it off, which of course also rips the hair off the skin. Anyone who has experienced body waxing will be familiar with the level of discomfort. The best preparation when applying liquid latex is to first remove hair from areas of the body to be painted. However, it is not always necessary as liquid latex can be removed from moderate amounts of body hair with little effort and minimum discomfort. Body hair may also be trimmed very short instead of shaving.
When buying liquid latex it is important to read the label and avoid any brand that does not specify 'for cosmetic use' or 'suitable for use as body paint'. Liquid latex is used in many other industries and you need to make sure you buy latex that does not contain toxic chemicals. Purchasing from a reputable body paint supplier is the safest way to ensure you're getting non-toxic latex suitable for skin application.
For the reasons stated above, children should be supervised by a responsible adult at all times when using this type of body paint.
gz-bodypainting or Expression Of Shabbat by Martina Shapiro

Body Painting on Absinthe Kubler Grand Opening
Video - SI Swimsuit: Jessica Gomes Body Painting
Jessica Gomes tells you about experience being a human canvas for the SI Swimsuit 2008 body painting shoot. For more photos and videos visit www.si.com/swimsuit
Tree Lighting
Oil on Canvas - Pastel Painting

Workshop Details
Date: Sunday, February 22, 2009
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Cost: $60 + materials. Unfortunately there are no refunds and space is limited.
Location: The Purple Door Art Studio
Address: 2108 - 18 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta
Register at Kensington Art Supply:
Address: 132 - 10 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta
Phone: 403.283.2288
E-mail: info@kensingtonartsupply.com
source : http://calgaryartblog.com/events/art-workshop/art-workshop-painting-with-pastels/157
Lotus Flower Sketch Painting

source : http://chrismcd.com/category/painting/
Canvas Painting - Children's Books and Cute Animals

artist : Chris McDonnell
source : http://chrismcd.com/category/painting/

source : http://futureblog.designhotels.com/endogenous-art-forms/